
Urban animals

Some do all they can to blend in, some all they can to stand out.

Östertull, Malmö. Fujfilm X100T

Jesusparken/Möllevången, Malmö. Fujfilm X100T

Davidshall, Malmö. Fujifilm X100T


  1. Hello,

    I'm visiting your blog and I love your pics. You're a really good photographer, good eyes and, the most important, you know what you're doing!

    I was hesitating to buy a x100f (I never had a Fuji before) but when I see your work, I feel ready to buy one!

    Two questions; Are you using the built in ND filter and the flash a lot? Are you editing your photo a lot? (I hope I'm clear, I'm french and my english is pretty basic, sorry for that)

    Whatever, congrats for your work and I wish you the best,


    1. Hi and thanks for your comment!
      About ND filter and flash - No I use it very seldom. None of the images on this blog are shot with with ND filter and flash.
      About editing. Yes I edit my pictures in 'SilkyPix' or 'Nik Collection'. I usually shoot in JPG and add a bit of contrast or enhance details. The sunset pictures are shot as RAF (RAW) and edited in Silkypix.

    2. Thanks a lot for your response... I tried the X100F this morning for one hour and half and ready to buy it:)
